An oil painting by artist Eleanor Hodgson, called Poppy 1
Poppy 1, by Eleanor Hodgson

Explore amazing art

created by talented local artists.

Our shop is currently closed for renovation works.

Online only, we are featuring works by

Eleanor Hodgson, with a collection of paintings.

Read more about Eleanor here.

About Chesterton Gallery

Chesterton Gallery was established to showcase the works of local artists, to make them accessible and visible to local residents, and to provide the opportunity to purchase the art.

Housed in what was Mitcham’s Store, the shop that gave Mitcham’s Corner in Chesterton, Cambridge its name, the gallery brings back to life a space that has lain bare for several years.

“Art does not reproduce the visible; rather, it makes visible.”
—Paul Klee


34A Chesterton Road, Cambridge, CB4 1EN

Opening hours:

Temporarily closed for refurbishment.